AGHPF Trainers of Trainers Audit Course

AGHPF President Prof. Kilian Songwe during the TOT

From March 9th to 13th 2021, the Foundation organised an Auditor’s Training of Trainers Course on ISO 15189:2012. The training was attended by 11 trainers who were facilitated on challenges and solutions for conducting virtual trainee auditor evaluation, determining and evaluating audit program risks and opportunities under ISO 15189:2012 for Medical Laboratories based on ISO 19011:2018.

During the 5 day course period, participants were provided with an understanding and skills in auditing management systems, including the principles of auditing, managing an audit program and conducting management system audits, as well as guidance on the evaluation of competence of individuals involved in the audit process and audit teams. The training aimed to build the capacity of trainers to effectively transfer skills to District Laboratory Focal Persons (DLFPs) and Regional Laboratory Managers on auditing and supervision of Laboratory Quality Management Systems, also to equip them with the necessary competencies required on how the latter can monitor implementation of laboratory continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities.

The TOT provides trainers with competencies to transfer skills in monitoring and strengthening the LQMS system through competent support supervision, auditing and reporting activities in their regions of operation. The course was presented in an interactive format with hands-on skills that allowed participants to work on relevant content that will be transferred to DLFPs and Regional Laboratory Managers.